Children at camp and communication with parents

Wire Phone

What are the rules for communication with the parent? When is it allowed and when is it not allowed? Emergencies and parents


It’s summer! It starts, I think, as a parent who has set out to complete the June, July, August and half-September program for a troubled, super looking and intelligent child. Otherwise, I’ll have to take him to work with me , to pay special attention to nutrition as I will not be alone and eat bio-salad while I work on my computer.


I’ll have to leave at exactly 5.00am. or maybe even half an hour earlier, because he will insist on fulfilling my promise to go to the movies, to the mall, to the zoo, for a walk, to ride a bike or even where I can’t even imagine!


I’m starting to sweat a little! Well, I’ll figure it out. Here is the camp, the language at that. Super, there is also an entertaining program and it will study, I just write it down.


You know that ?!


The episode follows with the sending of the child to camp, a strong sense of guilt and lack! Many parents have more fears than the child actually has! They carry their worries and all day long a part of them, sometimes large, sometimes not so much, but always present, harasses them that something is happening there without them being able to control the situation. That is – we, the parents who until now have held the reins of control suddenly find themselves without this function. Our only connection to the child is through one phone and the evening phone call with the heir.


As a child who often visits camps, I can say that the first hours are hard, my heart is pounding and sometimes I cry Then I calm down, buy cookies at the first gas station we go to, talk to the boy next to me and it turns out to be surprisingly well-informed about my favorite movie then we get so excited about discussing one of the scenes that I forget everything else. We have arrived.


The next hours are OK


It keeps me thinking that I will be in the same room with the same child – we can continue the conversation. He even suggested that we play the game when we have free time. Great!


The day goes by, the fatigue builds up and when I call my mom and it starts with: “Honey, how are you?” I can’t stand it and get out. No, I’m not sad and no, nothing bad happened. I just miss my mom – to look me warm and caress my hair.


Then I decide I’m not a lair and I’m tight. She is even more worried on the other side of the phone and is trying to dig something out of me in the sense of what happened, since she is strongly convinced that she is hiding something.



I see him curl up in a corner of the hall, pretending not to wipe away his tears, but to wipe something that caught his eye. He looks tough, but I know he misses his family. Sometimes I get the feeling that I can’t stand such torture but deep down I know that it’s good for them, for those little future men and women. They had the courage to separate from their family – they took over this responsibility for oneself.  Applause and praise!


I approach the boy, look at him, and remind him amicably that he needs to hand over his phone, as talk time is over and bedtime is coming. He looks at me  intently, without panic, wishing me good night and putting the phone in the basket. There is still a shadow of sadness in his eyes. He is approached by a friend, and the two start a conversation that, in a minute, becomes a laughing laugh. We all know one of these countries.


Communication of the children in the camp with their parents


I could start the article in another way, for example:


In Lucky Kidds, communication between parents and children is within a certain time range: 7.30pm-9.30pm, this is the time after dinner, until bedtime. For the rest of the day, the camper’s phone is stored by his teacher, at night the teacher is committed to charging it. Communication with parents during the day – study blocks and afternoon activities, sports is not allowed.


In case of unforeseen or urgent situations, at the discretion of the camp leader, a contact with the parent is carried out. Of course, parents have the opportunity to constantly communicate with the leader  if they require specific information, assistance or advice. The executive phone is always available, around the clock!


We strongly recommend that if the child shares any problem that he / she is anxious to report to the teachers, the parent should report the problem to the camp leader so that adequate assistance can be provided.


The information thus provided does not give a complete picture of the situation: sometimes children cry while talking on the phone for no particular reason  sometimes they rush to end the conversation with the parent, who are involved in more interesting games and activities. And nothing could be more comforting to the parent than the confident voice of the camp professionals, that everything is fine, the child is eating well, sleeping well, and already has interest friends in the camp.

Emergencies always happen


Such as a case of a child complaining of abdominal pain because there is a case of appendicitis, or of a child who has reported abusive behavior.


In such cases, at Lucky Kidds, immediately or even during the consultation with your doctor, let the parent know! This is a situation where the parent, the head and the doctor / when necessary / we together make the best decision for the child!


This may be a decision to go to a local hospital or, if the parent prefers, to send the child to the one where he or she is usually treated.


There are also specific situations that do not require such serious intervention. This may be a case of mild temperature and temporary malaise. Then, after a decision discussed with the parent, the child remains under continuous monitoring by the camp leader / and nurse / to be adequately assisted on site. In these cases, the child recovers and continues to participate in the camp program only after the professional has determined that he or she is well healthy.


An emergency is also where a child has committed a serious violation of the rules and after another warning, deprivation of the relevant activity and last resort – talking to the camp leader does not change his behavior.


Lucky Kidds does not tolerate rude behavior and aggression towards other participants! In such cases, as a last resort, it is sending the child back home. Before making a final decision, this is communicated to the parent, who has the full ability and responsibility to assist in the process of correcting the child’s behavior.


All of these cases and the related information: compliance with the rules, communication and connection with the home are part of the rules and obligations of all participants in the Lucky Kidds Language Camp. These are detailed in the Camp Regulations and can be addressed on our website.


At the end of each shift, the child goes home to his or her parents and family, happily after being given the opportunity, growing up and able to solve day-to-day cases in his or her own life, confidently able to make decisions vital skills, who continue to serve him throughout his life!