Wire Phone

What are the rules for communication with the parent? When is it allowed and when is it not allowed? Emergencies and parents   It’s summer! It starts, I think, as a parent who has set out to complete the June, July, August and half-September program for a troubled, super looking and intelligent child. Otherwise, I’llПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

What are the educational blocks in the summer camp

  Description of the blocks, the logic between them and the levels, what they include and how they develop the child’s language skills. Why are they matched so The lessons in the camp are divided into two blocks of 80 minutes each, with a 20-minute break between them. The need for such a division isПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Online applications for kids

How and why One of the most convenient applications in English language learning is free dictionaries, which can be easily downloaded by Google . Through them, children can check words they are unfamiliar with during the study block, when reading alone or in studies required for their project.   Here are some examples of goodПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Projects at LuckyKids

Why is project training good? What is project training and how does it happen? “Project-based learning focuses on teaching by engaging students in research. In this framework, students pursue solutions to non-trivial problems by asking and refining questions, discussing ideas, making predictions, developing plans and / or experiments, collecting and analyze data, conclusions, communicate theirПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Method Play and Talk with Echo

In LuckyKids we use an innovative English language learning system for children at preschool age – „Play and Talk with Echo”, which is designed to set the foundations of foreign language teaching. “Play and Talk with Echo” programme system is based in the following methods, principles and approaches for proper language acquisiton:  games; listening andПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Solar pedagogy method

Description of the application of the method in the camp Solar pedagogy as a method  Solar pedagogy is a system of principles and methods that can be conditionally divided into a philosophical /theoretical/ and a practical part. The ideas of solar pedagogy have been drawn from the teachings of the Master Peter Danov and forПовечеMoreБолееMai mult