ЛакиКидс Лето 2018 Фото 38

As we are approaching the summer months, we at Lucky Kids have a lot exciting activities waiting for your kids, one of it is mountain hiking that gives your young ones a time to spend with mother nature while having the simplest exercise. And while it’s always amazing to see just how many children are havingПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

ЛакиКидс Лето 2018 Фото 39

“Lucky Kids hats! Lucky Kids badges! Lucky Kids T-shirts! Long trousers! Closed shoes! Jacket in the backpack! Vests on & let`s go!” Ok, folks, this is what you would hear at lunch time if you pass by Aparthotel Lucky Bansko from June to August. It has been my 6th year with Lucky Kids International LanguageПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Английска култур в обучението в Лъки Кидс

Interactivity at LuckyKids language camp Interactive learning is getting very popular across Europe and America, not just for languages but for all subjects. We are in an INTERACTIVE age, where computers and technologies are getting even more popular and advanced by the year. LuckyKids teaches children English while at camp, but they are also taughtПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Little kid teaches English | Lucky Kids

Children who are in the process of learning a second language will definitely benefit from attending an international language english summer camp presented in their newly acquired language. This is especially relevant if they are also taking formal classes and preparing for a language exam. Many students apply to summer schools or summer camps toПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Group photo after horo | Lucky Kids

Often times, parents face a dilemma – whether to enroll their child in a camp. The thought of their child travelling somewhere all day frightens them, but the image of their kid being absent for a week or two, just terrifies them. Therefore questions arise: „Will the child cope on his own?“, „What if he/sheПовечеMoreБолееMai mult


This article is about how English teachers can manage better with children with learning disabilities in a camp setting. I am a qualified teacher of English as a second language and I am going to tell you about some of the techniques I use in the classroom to support children with ADHD, autism and dyslexia.ПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

LuckyKids in summer 2018 photo 14

Camp can positively impact children in major ways; it can broaden their worldview by exposing them to other children, studying the flora and fauna in the mountains, sports and activities. Not only that children are having fun and enjoying, it also give them the opportunity to improve academically in learning English and improving their EnglishПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

LuckyKids in summer 2018 photo 22

At the LuckyKids international camp children learn English at least 22 hours a week. The educational program is based on interesting topics the children discuss during their entire stay. Children practice language in an informal environment all the time, because the official language of the camp is English. Due to the limited time and theПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

LuckyKids in summer 2018 photo 24

There is no doubt that the children‘s language camp has a number of benefits for children of different ages. Of course, no one can challenge the role of the school for a child. But unfortunately, not always the school classes are enough for the kid to learn a language. The school program follows a traditionalПовечеMoreБолееMai mult