The most common methods and system for teaching English to children

Най-разпространените методи и система за преподаване на английски език за деца

Description, comparison, advantages and disadvantages

Preferred systems and methods in LuckyKids


Jolie Phoenix


One of the most common English language teaching systems for children, incorporating a variety of methods, is the Jolly Phonic system. It is used for initial pre-school literacy and the first three years of primary school.


This is a system in which literacy is taught through artificially created phonemes. They are 42 in number and are divided into seven groups. Each phoneme is associated with a specific movement of hands and body. Children are kinesthetic and thus memorized easily and quickly.


Methods of the system for mastering key reading and writing skills:


  • Sound training – children learn the sounds of letters and their pronunciation
  • Diphthongs are used – groups of two sounds
  • Moves for each sound are used
  • Training is performed in a different order of the alphabet, starting with the most common sounds and their letters
  • Identify sounds in one word
  • One-word sounds merge when spoken
  • The reading process begins by using simple three-letter words
  • Learning so-called “Difficult words” that do not obey the rules for merging reading sounds / what, there ../




  • Easy to learn and kid friendly
  • Focused on visual, kinesthetic and auditory child intelligence
  • Phoneme related songs included for easy memorization
  • Provided all required teacher supplies in the system package
  • Fast and effective results – students begin reading one to three months after the start of their studies


Another innovative educational and upbringing methodology we use at LuckyKids is  Solar Pedagogy.  It is a complex system of training and a healthy lifestyle that involves more than one learning process.


  • Individual approach to training, according to personal needs.
  • Require and maintain cleanliness and order everywhere in the camp.
  • Clear rules for campsite organization – Easy identity for campers.
  • An inspiring team of teachers.
  • An open system and a continuous process of parental feedback.
  • Comprehensive health program / breathing, physical exercises through yoga, tae-bo, hiking, horseback riding, etc. /.
  • An ergonomic and dynamic learning environment.
  • Optimal conditions for learning and relaxation by minimizing the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation and noise / without phones and minimum digital environment /.
  • The training is performed through play, non-violent methods and communication during the performance of daily routine tasks / plant care, pets, observations in the natural environment /.
  • Children learn to take care of themselves independently of their environment – to organize and maintain it, skills that are key, especially at an early age.
  • Teacher-child communication is filled with warmth, respect and encouragement.
  • Harmony and love for nature are cultivated in the child.
  • English is taught  during communication, caring for the environment; a calendar is used to teach flowers, plants, foods, planets associated with the relevant day of the week.


Play and Talk with Echo system


The system includes training in primary school literacy education.


System Methods:

  • Immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment.
  • Include, listen to, and understand thematic stories and their vocabulary.
  • Daily calendar time.
  • Listen and learn songs related to the story.
  • Letter and word exercises – spelling and repetition.
  • Intersubject links with mathematics, natural sciences, social world and fine arts.


  • Magic Hero – Echo, which guides children through the learning stages of the system
  • Teacher’s magic bag / containing surprises to create a moment of anticipation /
  • Hat used by the teacher to enter the image of a variety of characters
  • Execute stories with different intonation. Playing with voice intonation.
  • Classical background music.
  • Design a product using a fine art technique that validates words from the dictionary of history.


  • The system is fully focused on the child’s interests and capabilities.
  • Used in the years of pre-school age and produces excellent results – speaking and initial literacy.
  • The system is pleasant, develops children’s imagination, gives great freedom to the child and the teacher to create.
  • Echo is the head teacher who guides the child along the path of mastering the language in a non-violent manner.
  • The teacher is an artistic friend able to get into the role and perform skillfully non-violent communication with the children.
  • Calendar Time – a routine for always starting every lesson; the child learns the days of the week, the months, the types of weather, the numbers, etc. This is the time when the child concentrates on starting the lesson and making the transition to a learning environment.
  • The hat is the moment when the teacher says “I play, I study. I am part of the lesson with you. ” And this message is very important for children.
  • The magic bag – Creates the feeling of expecting something good to happen, the surprise in it, even a small one, makes learning a magical moment.
  • Worksheets – Exercises what has been learned for the day. Often works are made to support the basic idea of ​​the lesson.
  • Room atmosphere – The teacher places boards, paintings, words on the walls and in visible places that surround the children. It enables the child to visualize most of the learned things, an extremely successful method of memorization.
  • Positive vocabulary – The teacher uses only “good” words in his speech. Avoids negative sentences and usually expresses his thoughts in positive form / for example, “difficulty” is “challenging”, “great” becomes “wonderful”, etc./.
  • All of these benefits make the Play and Talk with Echo system flexible and adaptable to children’s thinking, enjoyable and captivating.





In the Lucky Kidds Language Camp  we use other teaching methods. One of them is project-based learning. It is used not only with early school age students. It is also effective for older people, especially in their teens. This type of methodology is good for motivating and engaging children in the inconspicuous learning process  by developing a project.



Project Based Learning (PBO) is a teaching methodology that encourages students to learn and apply knowledge and skills through engaging experiences. PBO offers opportunities for in-depth training in the context and development of important skills related to career readiness.





PBO focuses on engaging students with real-world problems. This is a cross-curricular approach, as challenges in the real world are rarely solved with the help of information or single-subject skills.


Projects require students to study, build solutions and products to meet the challenge presented. As they do the work, they often use knowledge and skills in the language, refine their vocabulary, enrich it terminologically, using multiple academic fields to successfully complete the project.


Extremely accurate and complete


Project training requires the application of knowledge and skills, not just recalling or mentioning. While participating in the project, students follow a process that starts with a question / a question. Asking leads to more in-depth training and considering possible solutions.


Oriented to students / children


In PBO, the role of the teacher shifts from content provider to  navigator / project manager. Students work more independently during the PBO process, with the teacher providing support only when needed. Students are encouraged to make their own decisions about how best to complete the task.


Language development


Language skills are trained to perfection. Synonyms are accumulated and the language nest is mastered around one term. For example, if the theme is “The solar system”, many words are learned, such as planet, star, system, space, meteor, gravity, atmosphere and more. The language information provided is huge, but it is easy to remember as it is learned through application and creation.



  • PBO is a cross-curricular pedagogical approach that provides real-world learning opportunities. The approach encourages students to make meaningful connections in content rather than thinking in each subject area in isolation
  • PBO helps build skills from the 21st century. Students who study in a PBO setting are often more involved in the learning process. PBO helps build 21st century skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity
  • PBO is a great opportunity for engaging students in authentic projects or real-world tasks. Thus, the method offers a way of career guidance for students
  • PBO is an authentic method for mastering and practicing a vast amount of linguistic information within a project that can be developed in a short or long time


In conclusion, these are only a small fraction of the methods and systems used in our camp – LuckyKids. Of course, they are much more and largely dependent on the decisions of the faculty and the management.

Comparison between methods and systems  cannot be made as they are very different. On the other hand, complementing them with each other is being done and that is how we truly succeed in our camp.


We use a combination of systems and methods to make English-language learning diverse, age-appropriate for modern children and their learning styles.


The systems and methodologies used so far in English are successful because they are child-oriented. Our main goal is learning through care and love for him, with respect for the way each child learns.