The most popular wishes in English and which of them are interesting and useful for children

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Each of us has sent a birthday wish as a token of respect, love and goodwill! Wishes filled with wishes for health, happiness, merry childhood, carefree games, many friendships and good moments, gifts and joy!


Here are some words from these wishes:

  • I wish you a wonderful birthday! I wish you every day to be filled with much love, laughter, happiness and sunny warmth.
  • May your coming year surprise you with lots of love, happiness and light! I hope you create beautiful memories that will keep you warm over the coming days. Happy Birthday!
  • I hope your special day brings you lots of joy, happiness and fun. You deserve them! Enjoy!
  • You are the sweetest child in the whole world! Enjoy the wonderful moments. I wish an amazing party to my little character!
  • You are the light of my life and my joy and pride. Happy birthday to my angel!
  • Today is the day when you won’t get the note that you eat too much sweet stuff, too much ice cream, that you play too much outside, that you spread too much food, that you sleep late. Have fun! Happy Birthday!
  • On your birthday, remember how happy you are to be surrounded by all those people who love you. Eat torquate until full and enjoy your gifts! Wonderful birthday!
  • I love you, little bug! You are so sweet, smart and good. I love watching you grow, but don’t rush to grow fast!
  • Today is your day, so leave the chores aside and enjoy the presents, songs, candy, balloons, play and work!
  • I send you tons of kisses, baskets with hugs. Happy birthday, dear child!
  • There is one thing that belongs to you – a happy childhood! Happy Birthday!
  • Си You are the most special son / daughter in this world. Happy Birthday!
  • Е Today is the special day – your birthday! Happy birthday to my princess / prince!
  • A tailwind, dear child / dear friend! Happy Birthday!


These and many more can be birthday wishes! Each desire contains three main components – intention, content and language.

When we talk about what is useful and what is not for the child, we always start with the intention. The intention of a birthday wish is bright and well-meaning. It is a beautiful way to show someone that we are filled with good feelings and that we hold on to him / her. A birthday wish brings good energy to the one who makes it, a sign of love and respect! Therefore, the very fact that a child creates or receives such a wish is a unique kind of creativity and acceptance of the result of that creativity. The child is still with a clear and bright mind, free of bad thoughts and intentions! The desire he can create makes him an envoy of kindness, the most valuable of all virtues. Therefore, the desire carries a very high moral charge. It not only charges the child who receives it, it also charges the person who receives it.

The second part is the content – what exactly will we wish for the birth or birth! What words will we put in this message that comes from the heart. In the very search for words, the child makes a real study of synonyms and words of good meaning, words that enrich and comprehend. The child truly seeks out and finds how to dress his thoughts in beautiful form. This search in itself is invaluable! Not only does it enrich the vocabulary, it also brings deep subconscious satisfaction. Because every person is born good and trying to disperse this kindness to others is a fundamental need. Responding to this need, the child takes his or her first steps towards satisfying her.

The third, and last but not least, component of a beautiful wish is language. How the message will be delivered. Whether it will be as a meaningless sentence or rather as a series of inspirational words expressing actions, it all depends on the person who wishes. Very often wishes are in the form of imperative sentences – that is, the one who gives them the moisture to make them actually happen, and we all know that the power of words is infinite. Exercising imperative and infinitive verbs is a great grammar exercise for everyone. The children find the verbs and place them in the wish frame, easily and quickly absorbing their infinitives.

In addition to verbs, nouns and adjectives, as well as many of their synonyms, are used within one wish. Working with a synonymous dictionary can be extremely helpful in compiling them. A synonymous dictionary provides knowledge of higher-level words related to close meanings and explanations of words in the language itself. The child finds the word “joy” and its explanation: “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”. The child has already learned the word joy, and with it the words – pleasure, great, happiness, feeling. In this time-consuming language exercise, she achieved the following – she learned four words of abstract meaning / joy, happiness, extraordinarily great, pleasure / and one generalizable word / feelings /. He was able to connect these words and understand that they are close in meaning, therefore interchangeable. The child has learned that joy and happiness are a kind of feelings. The first step in the development of his emotional intelligence is set.

Wishing is also about human values. Love, respect, kindness, belonging, and more, are the values ​​that are exercised in making a wish. We want what we carry. Therefore, building a value system in the child in the early years is very important. This value system helps him not only to see the good in the other person, but also to wish everyone the best. Positive thinking has also been cultivated for years. Why not start now, in the early years, when it’s easy and natural! Desire as a form of thinking is a wonderful way to lay the foundations of this system.

Last but not least is the emotional development of the child. A desire that has room only for bright and wonderful things is a supreme form of empathy. The empathy that is so lacking in our time develops as a way of thinking with perseverance and time. Wishes are an incredible chance for a child to learn empathy, to put himself in the other’s place, and to wish something wonderful to happen to that other person or child.

The complex work that the child performs in making the wish helps him to develop linguistically, emotionally and morally. It turns out that a tiny and simple effort, like making a birthday wish, is actually much more than writing certain words. It requires meaningful actions that are a way of learning the skills that are needed throughout our lives!